Membership management in a climbing gym – let`s go online

Membership management in a climbing gym – let`s go online

Online sales and online membership management is a relief for your staff. It turns out that we can exclude or automate the troublesome activities related to direct client service.

Membership management in a climbing gym – let`s go online

Implementing online sales and online membership management is simple, cheap and obvious once you know its benefits. A client now has access to the sales and membership 24/7. The information about the service must therefore be comprehensive. On the other hand, you have to remember about client service in the online environment as well.

It`s a common problem that the client service habits are often so deeply rooted in a routine that it may be problematic to digitize the process of selling, managing membership or booking classes. If you face setting up an online channel – you have to review your offer and adapt it to the online environment. In some cases, you have to make concessions. This is the perfect opportunity to reorganize your procedures!


Do you think about implementing an online channel in your climbing gym for the first time? Remember to communicate the benefits of purchasing a membership online so that every visitor to your website and your climbing wall is aware of them.


Membership management in a climbing gym

Your customers expect customer service tailored to the sales channel.


Online clients also need onboarding

Clients from now come from two sales channels: traditional and online. Some clients were onboarded while purchasing a membership on a coming gym.

Online clients require a different form of onboarding. It is worth discussing with your staff how to welcome a client from an online channel. The client is already a member of our community but has not had time to feel the gym`s atmosphere fully. You can organize an onboarding online. Show that the community can’t wait to welcome the online client to the climbing wall.


Traditional clients need time to get used to a new payment form

Let’s imagine the opposite situation: a client who used to buy a membership traditionally approaches the reception desk. The client was used to talking to the employee about his favourite TV series. And now, what happens? The client is referred to the Client Panel. Some clients show understanding: – O.K., the world is changing, online payments are convenient. I will no longer have to queue every month for payment at the reception desk.


But there are also clients to whom such information come as a nasty surprise. After all, online purchase is devoided of social interaction, which is very important for them. It would be best to draw your attention to these aspects to avoid the mistake of introducing online payments without first analyzing the situation from the client’s perspective. What does the client gain and lose? Can other benefits offset their loss?


How to understand the “online membership management” of a climbing gym?


Let’s explain the entire process based on the CLIMBMANAGER. The system consists of several modules. One of them is the Client Panel, an application for booking and managing membership. A client creates an account in the Client Panel, accepts the terms and conditions of a climbing wall, consents to data processing and, optionally, check a consent to get marketing communications. At this point, the client becomes a climbing wall community member but still with inactive membership.


Having an account in the Client Panel, the client may:

– view membership offer

– sign and manage waivers         

– buy a single, monthly or yearly pass (or another type of pass – depending on your business model)

– setup a recurring payment

– view a schedule of classes

– reserve a workout for a personal training session

– reserve a time slot during the Covid-19 restrictions

– book a class with/without having an active membership

– buy a one-time entry to an online class

– manage a user account and personal data

– buy accessories, shoes or birthday event package (buy online, pick-up in store of your facility)

A client can also extend membership, suspend a membership, prolong a membership, view payment history, manage bookings (cancel current bookings or view a booking history).

Climbing gym management software time slot booking

To sum up: the “online membership management” definition can and should be understood as much more than just purchasing a pass. Your climbing gym can launch an online channel and create new revenue streams – as soon as your business is ready for it.