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Tag: CRM

The Benefits of a Manager Panel in Climbing Gyms Management Software

Managing a sports facility involves juggling multiple tasks, from scheduling and maintenance to customer satisfaction and financial performance. To streamline these operations, many facilities have turned to advanced management software. A central feature of this software is the manager’s dashboard, a powerful tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the…

POS in a Climbing Gym – Practical Information

What is worth knowing about selling in the climbing gym? If you have no experience in working with POS in a climbing gym or you are wondering if CLIMBMANAGER solution has the options that are required for your business model, consider this article as an introduction to the topic of…

CRM in a Climbing Gym

What is CRM? CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a powerful tool that supports the work of managers and sales, marketing and customer service departments. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to automate and support the processes of acquiring and maintaining contact with customers. The sales department in most well-organized…