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Tag: climbing gym

The Benefits of a Manager Panel in Climbing Gyms Management Software

Managing a sports facility involves juggling multiple tasks, from scheduling and maintenance to customer satisfaction and financial performance. To streamline these operations, many facilities have turned to advanced management software. A central feature of this software is the manager’s dashboard, a powerful tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the…

How Mobile Application can transform Your club?

In today’s fast-paced world, we are constantly juggling multiple responsibilities, making us appreciate anything that can streamline our daily tasks. This is why notifications, reminders, quick clicks, and the ability to easily manage activities have become indispensable. Your customers are no different; they crave convenience and efficiency. Providing them with…

POS in a Climbing Gym – Practical Information

What is worth knowing about selling in the climbing gym? If you have no experience in working with POS in a climbing gym or you are wondering if CLIMBMANAGER solution has the options that are required for your business model, consider this article as an introduction to the topic of…

Recruitment of climbing gym employees

The employees of climbing centers are an important element of the operation of this type of business. The recruitment of the climbing center staff should therefore be carried out in a well-organized and thoughtful manner.   What do you need to remember when planning the recruitment of employees in your…

6 things to include in the “First visit at the climbing gym” page

First visit at the climbing center usually creates a lot of questions and concerns. As we all know, the beginnings of climbing, as well as any other sport, can be difficult. New athletes can therefore have a lot of distracting thoughts, that can reduce satisfaction from climbing training. Make sure…

Dedicated Mobile Application for Climbing Gyms

Are you wondering how to make access to your climbing gym even easier for your customers? Do you want your customers to be able to book or cancel classes and easily edit their profile data using a smartphone?   We have the solution! Dedicated Mobile Application Today, almost everyone has…

Modern Marketing in a Climbing Gym

Climbing is becoming increasingly popular, but this also means that more competition is emerging in the market. More and more climbing centers are being built, so if you own a climbing gym, you must try to stand out from the competitors.   How to achieve this?   Watch an interview…

Local server vs cloud storage for climbing gym

Local server or cloud storage?   Have you ever thought about which data storage solution is better for your climbing gym?   Secure and convenient storage of data is important in every business. Regardless of whether you run a small climbing gym or own a huge climbing gym chain.  …